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Plastic Whistles

There are 2 types of plastic whistle -
- pead (has a cork ball)
- pealess or windfast
(develops sound by the design)

Acme Thunderer 660 Finger Grip Whistle

Acme Thunderer 660 Finger Grip Whistle

 £5.50  each

Acme Thunderer 560 Whistle

Acme Thunderer 560 Whistle

 £5.75  each

Acme Thunderer 559 Whistle

Acme Thunderer 559 Whistle

 £6.00  each

Acme Thunderer 577 Whistle

Acme Thunderer 577 Whistle

 £8.00  each

Fox 40 whistle

Fox 40 whistle

 £7.25  each

Fox 40 Classic Black Fingergrip Whistle

Fox 40 Classic Black Fingergrip Whistle

 £9.50  each

Fox Pearl with lanyard

Fox Pearl with lanyard

 £5.50  each

Fox 40 Pearl Black Fingergrip Whistle

Fox 40 Pearl Black Fingergrip Whistle

 £7.95  each

Fox 40 Eclipse CMG Whistle with Lanyard

Fox 40 Eclipse CMG Whistle with Lanyard

 £6.00  each